Affiliate Links

The affiliate links you see on the demo site are not provided by Bella Creative — these are product widgets that were created through an affiliate program (ShopStyle Collective). Bella Creative recommends the following programs (these are just a few of the programs available):

ShopStyle Collective

Individual Post Pages


  1. Go to Posts Add New. Alternatively you can go into a current post.
  2. At the very top of the page, on the right-hand side, click Screen Options.
  3. Check the Excerpt box.
  4. This new section will appear on the page below the content editor. For easier access, you can drag the section to the sidebar on the right-hand side.
  5. Place your code in the text area.

Note: the excerpt field allows for any HTML code. If you are using a RewardStyle shortcode, please continue reading.

The excerpt field does not support shortcodes, therefore the RewardStyle shortcode will not display in this area (it will only display the shortcode). To fix this, when generating your code in RewardStyle you will need to choose “Other” instead of “WordPress.” The code generated can then be added to the excerpt field.