Category Index Page

The Category Index is a great way to showcase your blog categories on one page -- display your most popular categories or display them all! 

See an example of the category index page here:  /olivia-sub/categories/

  1. Go to Pages > Add New.
  2. Add the page title (for example, "Categories" or "Category Index").
  3. In the right-hand column, under Page Attributes, click the Template drop down and select Category Index.
  4. Click Publish.
  5. Now go to Appearance > Widgets.
  6. Add the Genesis - Featured Posts widget to the Category Page section.
  7. Configure the settings to match the screenshot below:

  8. You can change the following options if you'd prefer:
    Order By: Date, Title, Parent, ID, Comment Count or Random
    Image Size: thumbnail_horizontal, thumbnail_vertical or thumbnail_square
    Link Text: you can change "View More" to any text you'd prefer

  9. Click Save.

You will add a new widget for each specific category. Don't forget to update the widget title to be specific to each category, and select that specific category from the Category drop down menu.