Homepage Excerpts

Your theme has default settings to display each post in full on the homepage. If you would like to display excerpts like the demo site you can do the following:

  1. Go to Genesis Theme Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Content Archives section and use the following settings:
    Display: Entry Content 
    Limit content to: 500 characters (500 can be changed to any desired amount). 
    Featured Image: select the checkbox to display the featured image. 
    Image Size: select any of the full image sizes; there are options for horizontal, vertical, or square images. 
    Image Alignment: Center
Note: if you use affiliate links and want them to display on the home page,  “Entry Content” must be selected from the Display drop down; they will not display correctly if “Entry Excerpts” is selected. The instructions for adding affiliate links is in another tutorial.