Quick Setup Guide

If you are looking to get your theme up and running as quickly as possible then this option is perfect for you! Make sure to follow each step in the order listed below — no skipping ahead!

  1. Install the Genesis Framework
  2. Install your child theme
  3. Install the recommended plugins
  4. Import the demo content (this step is optional and only necessary if don't already have content on your site)
  5. Import the widgets (this step is highly recommended as it will place all of your widgets in the appropriate sections so you don't have to add each one manually)

You're all set! Now you're ready to start adding your own content — upload your logo, add your posts, and customize your theme colors!

Note: you do not need to proceed with any of the other tutorials. They are, however, good to reference if you wish to see how each widget was implemented or would like to make changes.